Saturday, December 19, 2009

one month to the day

okay so it seems that this thing is dying slowly, so here's what i propose; lets come up with a meeting time that will lend itself to more member availability. please write me with your top three preferred meeting times and we'll find the one thats most congruent with everyone's schedules. lets remember our constants; second sunday 1230pm,20 decades in front of the city hall, wed in front of the murder factory, sat night 11pm adoration at Our Lady of Mercy, and any time one feels inspired to go out as a small group or pair and talk to people in public. please start emailing or texting me with your ideas for ministry. remember this group is YOUR ministry, and i'm here to facilitate.
i love you guys and wish you all merry Christ Mass.
and please come visit and buy coffee whenever you can!!!!!!!!